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How GPT-3 Will Impact Content Marketing in the Short Term

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Approx 4 min read. 644 words.

- in Marketer

Stimulate your mind with the following. Another round of Artificial Intelligence. Being the king of GPT-3 is just a few paragraphs away. Possess the confidence required around content marketing next time it rears its head.

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Approaching GPT-3 from a new angle

There is so much to talk about when it comes to GPT-3 and content marketing. But what information can you actually believe? Let’s investigate and identify some possible answers.

GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is an artificial intelligence initiative that helps produce human style text via deep language prediction generation. It is made by OpenAi and is the third iteration of this model.

Is that nice and clear? Let’s move on to the good stuff.

The peculiar case of GPT-3

After spending so much time in the area of investigating GPT-3, we can now pass our knowledge on to you. Over 99% of people have no idea what power exists between content marketing and GPT-3.

There’s no substitute for human knowledge when it comes to producing a piece of content about a particular topic.

Try to draw a picture in your mind about GPT-3. Think of a number of phrases that you instantly ponder about.

Robots will replace human writers is the main concern of many. However, the idea of an ultra spam system seems to be the more likely threat. But it’s not all doom and gloom.

One day you may need to explain to others about the important connection between GPT-3 and content generation. We intend to build on this existing foundation of knowledge.

And to begin, we will start where you least expect.

Trust compromised

First and foremost, look at this. Every time you read an article online someone is attributed as the author

Put simply, a human writer is viewed as an expert or authority on the topic and therefore trust is established. If you allow AI to fully construct content, then you will lose that human to human connection that is so important between writer and reader.

One point down. Moving on to number two.

Human credibility

There’s no substitute for human knowledge when it comes to producing a piece of content about a particular topic.

Initially, an AI may assist when trying to create a rough outline of a blog post for example, but eventually it will require some human editing.

From time to time GPT-3 will provide this first layer of “AI Draft”, however it will always need a second draft layer with major human correction.

Now you have doubled what you know about GPT-3. Two points down, let’s get to the next.

Misuse by “fake news” creators

Some of the big problems online today are that clickbait and fake news is spreading like wildfire.

Most of the time it is easy to spot. Many problems will arise with the emergence of GPT-3 in regard to spam, and can be considered a hurdle to trusting this type of AI generated content.

Point number three is now in the bag. Placing this information into one big block shows just how unique the relationship is between GPT-3 and content marketing. The upshot is you can hold your own the next time someone asks you about content marketing.

It was a great decision to learn more about GPT-3.

You’ve reached the end of the line.

Explaining the basics of GPT-3 should now be a breeze. Keeping these points close to your chest will mean you have a solid foundation going forward.

Be sure to check back above for any part of the post you did not understand. At the moment, this stands as a nice little introduction in GPT-3 for you to ponder. You must feel great about learning more on this odd issue.

Will the fascinating pursuit of GPT-3 be endless? Keep the faith that questions like these will easily be resolved. Your guess is as good as mine. But we’ve relished the opportunity for this chat.

Oh, wait. Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments. Plus hunt for more information by exploring our other articles.

Crafted in 7 mins 11 secs using ContentFlame

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